Tag: flash

Mined Out

Originally published to this website in September 2003, Mined Out was my second attempt at a Flash game, and is inspired by an old ZX Spectrum game of the same name, published by Quiksilva in 1983.

The original Mined Out is credited as being the inspiration for Relentless Logic, which in turn inspired the development of Windows Minesweeper.

My version of the game is slightly different to the original, but the gameplay remains largely the same.

Simon the Fabulously Illuminated Kitten

My first Flash game, published in early 2003 and really created just to see if I could wrap my head around the concept of writing games in ActionScript.

It’s very silly, is incredibly repetitive (to the point of driving you to drink) and not really all that much fun, but is presented here for completeness.

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